Experience affordable rents paired with hygienic food, along with the best rooms featuring 24/7 power backup. Our establishment boasts a 5-star rating on Google Maps.
₹6000 - ₹9500 Rupees Based on Sharing A-Z all Facilities
Facilities in our PG
- High-Speed Wi-Fi
- Lift Facility
- Water Purifier
- Power Backup
- Furnished Room
- Smart TVs
- Parking
- Fridge
- Washing Machine
- Geyser
- ...........,etc
Where We Build Your Visions
Icon Gents PG offers affordable living in Marathahalli with delicious meals, modern rooms, and 24/7 power backup, all for ₹6000-₹9500 (depending on sharing). Our amenities include CCTV, high-speed Wi-Fi, in-house washing machines, and more – it’s no wonder we have a 5-star Google Maps rating! Let us take care of the cleaning, so you can focus on what matters.